The Appliance Market in Bangladesh: Lessons Learnt from Field Visits and Interviews with Retailers


Through a Global LEAP Awards results-based financing (RBF), CLASP conducted 55 in-depth interviews with retailers in Bangladesh in 2018 to learn about the retail market for domestic appliances. This study synthesizes those interviews and finds the market conducive to improving the quality and availability of appliances, creating opportunities for businesses and society.

Asif Hassan

Retailers in Bangladesh play a pivotal role in shaping appliance markets and consumer decisions. They determine the number and type of available appliances for sale and transfer important information about specific products direct to consumers. Small retail outlets facilitate the sale of most appliances in Bangladesh. Their experiences thus provide unique insights into several barriers hindering the development of the solar and DC appliance market.

Through a Global LEAP Awards results-based financing (RBF), CLASP conducted 55 in-depth interviews with retailers in Bangladesh in 2018 to learn about the retail market for domestic appliances. This study synthesizes those interviews and finds the market conducive to improving the quality and availability of appliances, creating opportunities for businesses and society.

Download the report here: The Appliance Market in Bangladesh: Lessons Learnt from Field Visits and Interviews with Retailers


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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