Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey 2020


The 2020 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey shares key insights on the perceived demand for, and impact of, off-grid appropriate appliances using data collected from 133 industry, policy, and development stakeholders. The survey results reflect the dynamic needs of off-grid consumers and aim to characterize the positive socioeconomic impact of a range of household appliances, productive use equipment, and healthcare technologies.

The 2020 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey shares key insights on the perceived demand for, and impact of, off-grid appropriate appliances using data collected from 133 industry, policy, and development stakeholders. The survey results reflect the dynamic needs of off-grid consumers and aim to characterize the positive socioeconomic impact of a range of household appliances, productive use equipment, and healthcare technologies.

The 2020 survey was designed and administered by CLASP via the Efficiency for Access Coalition and Sustainable Energy for All. Building upon the previous three iterations of the survey (2014, 2016, and 2018) the 2020 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey aims to equip stakeholders with the insights they need to accurately assess the market’s needs and shift their activities accordingly. This series, the only repeating survey of its kind, provides a unique perspective of how impact and demand perceptions have changed over the past six years. The results serve as a complement to consumer feedback, which is critical to increasing the uptake and effectiveness of appliances.

Download the Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey 2020 to learn more.


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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