2023 CLASP Annual Report
A Year of Impact, Innovation, and Growth
Appliance efficiency: proven solutions at a critical moment
The climate emergency is here. Extreme temperatures and unpredictable weather now affect every person and place on earth. At the same time, millions of people still lack access to vital, modern energy services like cooking and cooling.
CLASP has solutions. CLASP is the leading global authority on appliance efficiency, which drives climate mitigation and adaptation and alleviates energy poverty. Increasing the energy-efficiency and affordability of the appliances people need to live healthy, productive lives is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to cut emissions, address rising energy demand, improve livelihoods, and help communities adapt to more extreme temperatures.
For 24 years, CLASP has led the charge to inform decision makers and push for collective action to create a more sustainable world for future generations.
2023 was a big year for CLASP. We expanded our team, published groundbreaking research, and supported ambitious policies. We also improved our suite of tools that show how increasing appliance efficiency can yield substantial and immediate gains in climate and energy access for sustainable development.
With five regional offices spanning the globe, CLASP is a trusted partner. We collaborate with governments, industry, civil society, and other key stakeholders to build momentum for positive change and catalyze markets for affordable, efficient appliances.
Illuminating proven solutions for busy policymakers
Robust appliance efficiency policies bolster energy security, job creation, and climate mitigation and adaptation. CLASP works in dozens of countries, collaborating with and supporting those who have the authority to prioritize energy efficiency action.
Brazil Between 2020 and 2023, CLASP supported the Brazilian government in revising refrigerator efficiency policies. CLASP analyzed potential impacts of different policy options and supported Brazil’s Ministry of Mines and Energy with the data and analysis needed to respond to industry inquiry during the public consultation period. The new policy will save consumers an average of $164 USD over the lifetime of each refrigerator and reduce national CO2 emissions by 32 megatons (Mt) by 2040.
China CLASP provided international perspectives on policies for renewable energy transformers, motors, and external power supply. These are projected to avoid 1,330 Mt of CO2 by 2040. CLASP is also providing ongoing technical support to improve and launch seven additional appliance policies in the future.
India CLASP provided technical assistance to India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency as it launched a record-breaking 15 appliance efficiency policies in 2023. The policies range from essential household appliances to industrial equipment. CLASP’s supported robust policies to align with global best practices. The 15 policies are estimated to avoid 120 Mt of CO2 cumulatively by 2030.
Indonesia Throughout 2023, CLASP played a pivotal role in supporting the development of new efficiency policies for refrigerated display cases and televisions that are projected to avoid 13.5 Mt of CO2 by 2040. In addition, leveraging data from CLASP’s research on the dumping of climate harming room air conditioners in Southeast Asia, policymakers in Indonesia phased out the lowest-efficiency class of room air conditioners, cutting 230 Mt of CO2 by 2040.
Farewell to Fluorescents
Through our Clean Lighting Coalition campaign, CLASP facilitated a fast global transition to LEDs by driving support for African governments who were calling for a phaseout of inefficient, toxic fluorescent lighting under the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
At Minamata COP5 in November, 147 governments agreed to put an end to fluorescent lighting once and for all in 2027. The move, building on a complementary decision at Minamata COP4, will avoid 2.9 gigatons of CO2 from the phaseout dates to 2050.
Flagship Research
CLASP’s sector-leading research bridges the gap between analysis and action, providing policymakers, innovators, and advocates with the robust data and expert recommendations needed to catalyze pivotal solutions.
Net Zero Heroes
CLASP launched the landmark report “Net Zero Heroes: Scaling Efficient Appliances for Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience” in parallel to a multi-month digital campaign and CLASP’s significant presence at UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai. The analysis revealed the appliance sector accounts for nearly 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions. At the same time, billions of people do not have access to the appliances needed to live healthy, productive lives.
CLASP identified ambitious efficiency targets for ten appliances – the Net Zero Heroes – that must form the basis of an unprecedented push to curb the climate crisis.
The Global Stage
In 2023, CLASP and our partners informed leaders and civil society of the huge climate and development opportunities affordable, efficient appliances can bring.
Unlocking Green Jobs
CLASP is working to strengthen job creation through appliance and equipment ownership, as well as training and skills development. This will provide farmers and small businesses with the right tools to excel in our modern economy. Through the Efficiency for Access (EforA) Coalition, we collaborated with Dalberg on a report advocating for green skills to facilitate youth employment in Kenya's solar irrigation sector. CLASP co-manages EforA with Energy Saving Trust.
Innovative Financing Catalyzes Access to Transformative Appliances
CLASP’s innovative financing methods make appliances affordable to those who need them most.
Twenty-four companies selling productive-use appliances like solar-powered refrigerators, pumps, and milling machines across six countries in Africa were selected to receive subsidies and capacity-building grants through CLASP’s Productive Use Financing Facility, in partnership with Nithio. Companies will use their funding to sell over 20,000 appliances, impacting over 90,000 households.
Efficient productive use appliances have transformative effects on local communities, small businesses, and the environment. However, despite their potential for sustainable development outcomes, appliance sales remain low in emerging markets due to their relatively high upfront costs and a lack of access to finance.
CLASP’s innovative financing facility, supported by the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, addresses these challenges by helping appliance distribution companies sell their products at lower prices.
Providing Affordable and Sustainable Energy Solutions in Ethiopia
People & Culture
As the world increases its focus on energy efficiency, CLASP’s expertise is in high demand. In 2023, CLASP expanded our team of experts, adding 15 new faces to our international roster.
With generous donor support for our mission, CLASP expanded our funding in 2023 – increasing our revenue by 24% as compared to 2022.