All Access Electrification Pathways


An analysis of the least cost-incurring electrification pathway for off-and weak-grid consumers in obtaining enhanced energy services.

This research project aimed to validate the hypothesis that by combining affordable, energy-efficient, high-quality appliances with renewable energy systems that are designed for future compatibility and interoperability, we can create new ‘All Access Electrification Pathways.’

These pathways offer off-grid and weak-grid consumers multiple avenues to attain improved energy access. By standardizing critical aspects of the energy service value chain, beginning with cost-effective, top-quality, energy-efficient appliances and equipment, this approach can effectively reduce the public, private, and social costs associated with achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7. Consequently, it facilitates a more efficient conversion of both private and public sector investments into the realization of enhanced, expanded, and sustainable energy access.

Download the All Access Electrification Pathways report.


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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