Impact Assessment of BEE’s Standard & Labeling Program in India
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To ensure efficient use of energy , the Government of India enacted the Energy Conservation Act 2001 (EC Act) in August 2001 and established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), a statutory body to implement the EC Act in March 2002. The Act identifies Standards & Labeling (S&L) as one of the major thrust areas for improving energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and public sectors. BEE launched the S&L program in May 2006 and as of the writing of this report it covers a total of 18 products.
This report on the market assessment of BEE’s labeling program includes products under both the mandatory and voluntary phase. The report includes collection and analysis of data from a comprehensive survey of stakeholders to cover the following:
- Awareness of BEE’s labeling program
- Efficacy of communication of the labeling program
- Impact of BEE’s star label on the attitudes of stakeholders towards labeled products and energy efficiency
- The impact on sales and usage of labeled products by manufacturers and consumers respectively.
The labeling program market survey was conducted across India, with both urban and rural areas represented. The survey targeted the following stakeholders:
- Consumers (general public, recent purchasers and intenders)
- Retailers
- Manufacturers
- Associations and Utilities.
Secondary data was also used to supplement information gathered from primary sources. The report also considers the degree of market transformation as
analyzed by shifts in sales data and models registered with BEE.