Getting Appliances Back on Track: Assessing Progress Towards Global Energy Efficiency Commitments
This report tracks the progress of 15 countries who signed onto the Appliance Efficiency Call to Action in 2021 at COP26 in Glasgow, which pledged to double the energy efficiency of four product categories by 2030.
At the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) in 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, 15 countries signed onto the Super-efficient Appliance and Equipment Deployment (SEAD) Initiative Appliance Efficiency Call to Action—estimated to be the largest energy efficiency commitment ever. The 15 signatories pledged to double the energy efficiency of four priority product categories by 2030: air conditioners (ACs), lighting, electric motors, and refrigerators, which collectively account for more than 40% of global electricity consumption.
“Getting Appliances Back on Track: Assessing Global Efficiency Progress,” evaluates economies’ progress toward the goal of doubling product efficiency, including the 15 signatories plus four top-emitting economies. The report also provides insight into the leading policy levers for accelerating appliance efficiency efforts – including examples of effective implementation of key interventions like minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and appliance energy labeling.

15 signatories pledged to double the energy efficiency of four priority product categories by 2030: air conditioners (ACs), lighting, electric motors, and refrigerators, which collectively account for more than 40% of global electricity consumption.
“Getting Appliances Back on Track” offers valuable analysis to economies already committed to prioritizing appliance energy efficiency, and illustrates a path toward success for governments interested in joining as a Call to Action signatory.
This report continues analysis from World’s Best MEPS, which provided a snapshot of the stringency of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for key products across top-emitting economies.
“Getting Appliances Back on Track” is the first publication of CLASP’s #NetZeroHeroes COP28 digital campaign, which will shine a light on the critical role of appliance energy efficiency in the lead-up to climate discussions at COP28.