Blurring Boundaries of Market Transformation activities: Linkages among Awards, Procurement, and Incentives


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Market transformation programs are critical to expanding the availability of top efficiency appliances, lighting and equipment. The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative, a voluntary multinational government collaboration of the Clean Energy Ministerial, undertakes work in three areas of the early stages of market transformation: awards, procurement, and incentives. Each of these areas stimulates the market for energy-efficient products by motivating sellers or purchasers of a product to make a more energy-efficient choice.

This paper will review how policies transform the market for energy-efficient technologies, and define the “market stimulation” early stages of market transformation. It will also examine how sequential integrated market stimulation policies can affect greater change than separate application of each type
of policy.

Finally, this paper will take a closer look at three SEAD projects – one each in awards, procurement, and incentives – in order to investigate how these three types of programs can more successfully feed into each other to further enhance realized energy savings. The paper will explore these linkages and other potential connections among market stimulation program areas through these three projects. In addition, for each program area, the paper will describe the potential impacts of making those connections on stakeholders including governments (national or local), utilities, manufacturers, and consumers.


Debbie Karpay Weyl, CLASP
Stephane de la Rue du Can, LBNL
Chad Gallinat, US Department of Energy
Michael McNeil, LBNL
Jenny Corry Smith, CLASP
Anand Gopal, LBNL
Greg Leventis, LBNL
Nicole Kearney, CLASP

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