World’s Best MEPS: Tracking Global Leaders in Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards

A new analysis from CLASP showcases national policy leaders and offers recommendations for countries on the cusp of meeting global benchmarks.

WASHINGTON, DC – A new research tool and report from CLASP offers groundbreaking insights into the state of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) across high carbon emitting economies and appliances.

The analyses evaluate the stringency of MEPS requirements for six major appliance categories—lighting, air conditioners, refrigerators, electric motors, water heating, and space heating—across ten high greenhouse gas-emitting economies—Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Doubling the energy efficiency of these appliances worldwide could avoid over 2 gigatons (Gt) of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions per year in 2030.

“Minimum energy performance standards for appliances sit at the crux of the international community’s Paris Agreement targets and achievable carbon savings. This new comparative analysis from CLASP will be essential to inform global progress toward net zero targets,” said Christine Egan, CEO of CLASP.

The tool and its accompanying report, “World’s Best MEPS: Identifying Top Efficiency Standards for Priority Appliances,” identify economies with the most ambitious MEPS. The resources also highlight opportunities for further policy intervention.

“This game-changing analysis will be critical in raising global appliance energy performance, cutting carbon and costs for millions of people across the globe,” said Ari Reeves, CLASP’s Senior Director of Research. “Our aim with this analysis is to open people’s eyes to what is possible. With this information, policymakers have tangible advice for setting more stringent standards.”

The research tool, “World’s Best MEPS: Tracking Leaders in Global Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards, offers a birds-eye-view of the status of MEPS for all mentioned economies and appliance categories, as well as per-product data visualizations. The accompanying report contains detailed information on the methodology and research findings.

The tool and report will be updated on periodically, offering researchers and policymakers the most up-to-date picture of the world’s best MEPS.

Explore the tool and read the report on the CLASP website.


About CLASP: CLASP serves at the epicenter of collaborative, ambitious efforts to mitigate climate change and in the global movement for clean energy access, through appliance efficiency. CLASP works hand-in-hand with governments, experts, industry, consumers, donor organizations and others to propel policies and markets toward the highest-quality, lowest resource-intensive products possible. Learn more at


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