Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market: Nigeria


This country profile covers relevant market and appliance performance data for off-grid appliances sold in Nigeria based on findings from Efficiency for Access market surveys. It provides market insights to help inform sector stakeholders and encourage higher market penetration for high-quality off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances.

Bex Paffard, Elisa Lai, Riley Macdonald

Almost half of Nigerian’s do not have access to electricity, and those that do face frequent power outages. This large off- and weak-grid population and other contributing factors make Nigeria a promising market for future off-grid appliance sales with the potential to become the continent’s largest off-grid appliance market.

Insufficient data about off-grid appropriate appliances makes it difficult for manufacturers, policymakers, distributors, mini-grid operators, investors, and other market actors to make informed decisions and identify high quality, efficient products sold in their region.

To help address this challenge, Efficiency for Access has worked to gather data on the availability of off-grid appropriate appliances in key countries, including Nigeria. The Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market Country Profile for Nigeria analyses four types of off-grid appliances surveyed in 2018 and 2020—TVs, fans, refrigerators and SWPs. In 2020, Efficiency for Access expanded the survey to collect data on other off-grid appliances found in the market, and to document the type of connectors or plugs integrated into or sold with the product. The country profile explores the overall market landscape in Nigeria, the common power type, size, price, and warranty of off-grid appliances sold in retail markets, and other findings relevant to sector stakeholders working in Nigeria.

Download the Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market: Nigeria here.


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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