Cooling in a Warming World


Cooling in a Warming World: Global Markets & Policy Trends, CLASP's first ever e-magazine, presents an in-depth look at the state of air conditioning markets, policies, and compliance efforts around the world.

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In 2018, CLASP conducted research and provided technical assistance to policymakers to improve the uptake of efficient cooling appliances, particularly air conditioners. Regions of focus for CLASP’s 2018 cooling portfolio included Africa, South America, and South and Southeast Asia. From identifying trade and industrial policy barriers for high-efficiency air conditioners in Brazil to tracking rapid market transformation brought about by highly efficient inverter compressor technologies in India, Vietnam and Thailand, Cooling in a Warming World guides readers through the findings of our recent market and product analyses. The featured market assessments, policy analyses, and research highlighted in the magazine are driving discussions with policymakers, industry, and other stakeholders on ambitious efficiency policies and setting the stage for future market transformation programs.

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