Videos: CLASP Collaborates with Industry in Pakistan to Tackle Energy Crisis

CLASP produced two short videos to demonstrate how our work with industry in Pakistan has helped to shift production to more efficient appliances.

Maggie Mowrer, Karishma Joseph

National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority of Pakistan (NEECA)

In Pakistan, a severe energy crisis is putting undue strain on the grid and gas reserves are running low. In collaboration with the National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority of Pakistan (NEECA), CLASP is bringing industry into policymaking process to achieve national climate targets.

To demonstrate solutions, CLASP produced two videos that detail how our collaboration with industry spurs technological innovation. We initially led a series of workshops to train manufacturers on international best practices for energy-efficient water heater and motor design, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to make the transition. By building local capacity, we are transforming the local appliance market to help Pakistan achieve national efficiency goals.

Watch the videos to learn more about industry’s response to the policymaking process.


For more videos on CLASP’s work, visit our YouTube channel.


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