CLASP and BEE Host International Best Practices Workshop on Consumer Electronics
In March 2011, India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and CLASP hosted an international workshop to promote best practices on standards and labeling (S&L) programs for consumer electronics in Asia Pacific Partnership countries. Products covered by the proceedings included televisions, desktop and laptop computers, DVD players, printers, scanners, fax machines, modems, and others. The workshop, which was the culmination of an Asia Pacific Partnership (APP) project financed by the US Department of State, took place on March 10th and 11th in New Delhi, drawing key stakeholders from China, Korea, the US, and India.
Participants: Noah Horowitz (NRDC), Rituraj Borah (CLASP), Eric Gibbs (CLASP), Deepanshu Ahuja, Vineeta Kanwal, Chris Stone(CLASP), Dr. Sandeep Garg (BEE), Mohit Verma, Dr. Jianhong Cheng (CNIS and BATF Member), Frank Klinckenberg (CLASP)
The workshop’s primary purpose was to strengthen the foundation for effective S&L for consumer electronic products in India by drawing on best practices and lessons learned from APP member countries. Participants discussed key policies and barriers related to S&L programs for consumer electronic products, as well as effective strategies for overcoming obstacles.
The event prompted beneficial discussions among the stakeholders, which included representatives from the Government of India, policy makers, manufacturers, manufacturers’ associations, national and international laboratories, and technical experts in the field. Notable speakers included APP Building and Appliances Task Force (BATF) Secretariat member Dr. Jun Young Choi of the Korea Testing Laboratory, APP BATF member Dr. Jianhong Cheng of the China National Institute of Standardization, BEE’s energy economist Dr. Sandeep Garg, and Mr. Noah Horowitz of the Natural Resources Defense Council in the United States.
CLASP is very pleased to have partnered with BEE for this event, which provided a positive showcase for BEE’s burgeoning appliance S&L program.
Download Files:
Workshop Agenda
Conference Background Note
Conference Proceedings
NRDC: The Consumer Electronics Market
BEE: Overview of Standards and Labeling in India
ICF: S&L Program for Computers in India
APP BATF: Accomplishments and Looking Ahead
BEE: Orientation to Consumer Electronics in India
MAIT: Energy Efficiency S&L Change Marketing for Indian ICTe
LG Electronics India: Electricity Conservation – Consumer Electronics
UL India: Role of Laboratories S&L Programs
CLASP: Lab Capacity Development in India
CLASP: Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative
ICF: Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling in Asia