SEAD Global Appliance Testing Costs Catalogue
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The Global Appliance Testing Costs Catalogue is a living compendium of global information on appliance energy efficiency testing prices and testing laboratory costs for common energy consuming products. The purpose of the catalogue is to make it easier for governments, industry, and energy efficiency practitioners to evaluate where and how to test products in accordance with appliance standards and labeling programs, and ultimately make better-informed decisions about how best to allocate their program resources. Specifically, the catalogue can assist policymakers in deciding whether they should make the costly investments to build a national laboratory, or whether to apply other cost-effective strategies such as testing in existing national or foreign laboratories or other mechanisms to reduce the need for verification testing.
The Global Appliance Testing Costs Catalogue addresses a key barrier to building financially sustainable S&L programs, a lack of accessible data on the costs of building and operating testing laboratories and testing prices. The catalogue provides indicative cost estimates for establishing and operating appliance testing laboratories, as well as estimated per unit testing prices, for five common sets of appliance technologies:
- Air Conditioners (ACs)
- General Service Lighting (GSL)
- Televisions (TVs)
- Motors
- Domestic Refrigerators
For each appliance type, the catalogue includes observed differences in lab costs, testing fees, regional trends, and notes from the field.
The catalogue also features a series of case studies on best practices for minimizing the need for extensive check testing, making use of existing testing capacity and sharing resources, and strengthening regional collaboration on testing and market surveillance.
The Global Appliance Testing Costs Catalogue was funded by United Kingdom Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and developed by the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative, CLASP, and P&R Energy LLC. Standards and labeling program practitioners and participants can rely upon the data in the catalogue as an initial resource, and should use the catalogue to supplement in-depth due diligence processes. The catalogue is a living resource and CLASP invites contributions to update or add to the testing costs information and case studies.