Nicole Kearney Named Director of CLASP Europe
CLASP is excited to share that Nicole Kearney is stepping up to lead CLASP’s Europe team.
Since 2010, CLASP has worked alongside European policymakers and partners to achieve critical climate mitigation goals across the region. With the increasingly urgent need to cut emissions and pollution in the EU and UK, CLASP is ramping up our capacity for impact.
We are excited to share that long-time CLASP team member, Nicole Kearney, is stepping into the role of Director of CLASP’s Europe program.

In her ten-year tenure at CLASP, Nicole has proven herself to be a strong leader in the appliance efficiency sector. She holds a wealth of knowledge on best practices in policymaking and labeling, with an expertise in compliance policy design and implementation.
“I am thrilled be working alongside CLASP Europe and our array of wonderful partners to ensure our work does the most good for people and the planet,” said Nicole. “We are in a critical moment for climate mitigation and fossil fuel divestment in the region. I am looking forward to increasing CLASP’s ability to influence ambitious policy across the EU and UK.”
Ranging from clean cookstoves to efficient cooling to policy compliance, Nicole has provided expert insight to a wide range of programs.
“Nicole’s leadership and international experience in the sector has, and continues to be, a true asset to CLASP’s climate mitigation work,” said Ana Maria Carreño, Senior Director of Climate. “I look forward to working alongside Nicole and the whole CLASP Europe team to maximize impacts of our work in the region.”
Prior to joining CLASP in 2012, Nicole worked on European Ecodesign, energy labeling product policies, and compliance for the UK government. She received a comprehensive regional education, studying in the UK, France and Germany – ultimately earning a Master’s by Research in European Environmental Law from the University of Warwick.

Nicole is joined by the rest of the Europe team – Sara Demartini and our expert consultants Marie Baton and Michael Scholand, who have led CLASP’s EU presence for several years.
“I am very excited to be part of an expanded CLASP Europe program,” said Sara. “I look forward to seeing how we are able to advance a just energy transition across Europe.”
To keep up to date on CLASP’s work in Europe, subscribe to our newsletter, explore our updates archive and research library and follow our new Europe Twitter account, @CLASP_Europe.