The Benefits of Permanent Magnet Motors: Efficiency Opportunities in Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Markets


This report offers a comprehensive analysis of permanent magnet motor-driven appliances in off- and weak-grid markets.

This report was developed by pManifold in collaboration with CLASP and the Energy Saving Trust on behalf of Efficiency for Access.

The off-grid solar energy market is poised to grow significantly in the next decade, with the majority of growth occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. As the market matures, product suppliers are anticipated to adopt more energy-efficient technologies that drive the market toward better value products.

Appliances using permanent magnet motors use 22-42% less energy than those using conventional alternating current (AC) motors. These savings deliver significant cost savings to the consumer and growth opportunities to the market. A household switching from conventional appliances to permanent magnet motor appliances will save 30% in the net cost of their solar energy system, even after accounting for a 20% price premium, the report finds.

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of permanent magnet motor applications in off- and weak-grid appliance markets. It characterizes the current and future global market for permanent magnet motors, evaluates and segments the potential addressable market for off- and weak-grid applications, quantifies permanent magnet motor benefits, and identifies barriers to and drivers for adoption.

Download the report here: The Benefits of Permanent Magnet Motors: Efficiency Opportunities in Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Markets


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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