Solar Milling: Exploring Market Requirements to Close the Commercial Viability
This report uses data collected from field testing results of solar mills in East Africa to analyze the market requirements for solar mills and assess their commercial viability.
Many communities in sub-Saharan Africa rely on diesel-powered milling equipment to process important staple crops. Solar-powered electric mills offer a reliable and sustainable alternative to expensive and polluting diesel-powered mills. This report uses data collected from field testing results of solar mills in East Africa to analyze the market requirements for solar mills and assess their commercial viability. Its findings present opportunities for improving solar milling technology and recommendations for how to close the commercial viability gap between diesel and solar.
Download the full report here: Rapid Product Assessment: A New Approach to Testing Productive Use Appliances
About Efficiency for Access
Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.