Off- and Weak-Grid Solar Appliance Market: India


Insufficient data about off-grid appropriate appliances makes it difficult for manufacturers, policymakers, distributors, mini-grid operators, investors, and other market actors to make informed decisions. To help address this challenge, Efficiency for Access has worked to gather data on the availability of off-grid appropriate appliances in key countries.

Asif Hassan

With a strong local manufacturing and large population, India has a large and growing off-grid appliance market. However, insufficient data on the types and performance of appliances available in the retail market poses a challenge for policy-makers, manufacturers, distributors, and other market actors to make substantiated decisions. Lack of sufficient information could be a barrier to market penetration for high-quality appliances and productive use equipment.

In an effort to fill these information gaps, Efficiency for Access conducted a market scoping survey on off-grid appliances sold in retail markets. Retail shop owners, off-grid solar product distributors, and appliance consumers were interviewed to better understand the local perspective of the off-grid appliances available in local retail markets. The data and market insights presented in this report are aimed to help current sector stakeholders and those interested in engaging India solar appliance market.

Download the Off- and Weak-Grid Solar Appliance Market: India report here.

About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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