The State of the Global Off-Grid Appliance Market – Executive Summary


This four-page document summarizes the findings from The State of the Global Off-Grid Appliance Market 2016 report on three of the most promising off-grid appliances - fans, televisions, and refrigerators.

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This 4-page document summarizes the findings from The State of the Global Off-Grid Appliance Market 2016 report. This brochure-style guide lays out the landscape of the rapidly evolving off-grid appliance market, diving into the importance of efficiency, market potential, and challenges and opportunities for stakeholders.

Key Takeaway: The global market for off-grid appliances is poised for rapid, significant growth. By 2020, the market for three of the most promising off-grid appliances — fans, televisions, and refrigerators — has the potential to reach $4.7B per year.

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