Keeping Cool in Pakistan
In Pakistan, where fans are the primary cooling appliance, the sweltering summer months exacerbate peak energy demand—over 140 million Pakistanis either have no access to the grid or suffer up to 12 hours of load-shedding daily (i.e., no power). A nation hit particularly hard by climate change and that lacks adequate energy infrastructure to meet demand, Pakistan had no energy efficiency standards or labels in place until 2016.
Over the past few years, CLASP has worked in partnership with the regional energy efficiency agency, as well as over a dozen local manufacturers, in the province of Punjab to support implementation of new policies for ceiling fans for domestic or commercial use. Punjab accounts for approximately two-thirds of total national electricity consumption.
With our partners, CLASP spearheaded a major government bulk procurement and fan replacement program that jettisoned inefficient, energy-intensive fans with high-efficiency models in government health and education facilities. To date, 23 energy-efficient fan models qualify for the country’s first energy efficiency star label, more than 170,000 fans have been labelled since the program was launched, and over 85,000 fans have been installed in in Punjab.
This initiative is projected to save 400 tons of CO₂ emissions per year. Read a World Bank blog post here.
The Punjab fan labelling and replacement program’s success has generated strong interest in a follow-on initiative to replace up to one million fans in the province and to expand labelling to other products, including air conditioners and refrigerators.
In partnership with Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA), this work is generously supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Hewlett Foundation.
Watch a World Bank video about this project here.
A WORLD BANK REPORT: Punjab Energy Efficiency Project Standards & Labeling of Fans –Progress Update – September 2017