Indonesia Market Study for Refrigerators
CLASP serves as the leading international voice and resource for appliance efficiency policies and market acceleration initiatives. Since 1999, CLASP has worked in nearly 100 countries, collaborating with key stakeholders to design and implement high-impact policies and programs that catalyze markets for efficient on and off-grid products that deliver a higher global standard of living for everyone. From international collaborations to local markets, we draw on best practices and leading technical and policy expertise to help decision makers identify and implement the most appropriate and cost-effective policies and market interventions. CLASP is based in Washington DC, and has offices and teams in India, Kenya, Europe, and are establishing a permanent presence in Indonesia to serve our growing portfolio of projects and programs in Africa, Europe, Latin America, and South and Southeast Asia.
CLASP works at the national level in multiple countries in Southeast Asia to support the design and implementation of energy-efficient policies and programs and related market transformation activities. CLASP operates at the regional level to convene policymakers and other key stakeholders in ASEAN to leverage best practices, catalyze markets, and harmonize test standards, policies, and compliance frameworks.
The Government of Indonesia, through the Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE Kementerian ESDM) is eager to expand its energy efficiency standards and labelling (S&L) programme. Currently there are two minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for compact fluorescent lamps and room air conditioners, respectively. MEPS for refrigerators, rice cookers, fans, and electric motors are pending final approval before they can enter into force. MEPS for washing machines, water pumps, and LEDs are currently under development.
The prioritization of products for MEPS and labelling in Indonesia is challenging because data and information on the appliance market is limited or non-existent, and therefore accurate savings estimates cannot be derived and used as the basis for product selection, MEPS levels, and compliance effort.
A domestic refrigerator market study is critical to provide quality data to support appropriate and robust standards and assess the potential impacts of S&L. Currently, energy savings from existing and proposed MEPS for many common household appliances and equipment in Indonesia cannot be estimated accurately. This study will provide this information, enabling informed decision making and realistic energy saving calculations.
CLASP is seeking a contractor to conduct a comprehensive market study on domestic refrigerators in Indonesia.
Scope of Work
Domestic Refrigerator Market Assessment
The Consultant will be responsible for successfully executing the following activities and tasks as part of the study. Execution of all activities and tasks must be conducted in close consultation with CLASP and EBTKE ESDM.
Sales and trade volumes for the defined products within Indonesia should be assessed. A clear picture of the product stock available should be provided and its growth and replacement rate be forecasted. Insight into the latest market trends to inform the definition of possible MEPS in the context of the market structures and ongoing trends in product design should be given. A practical data set related to prices, rates and inflation should be prepared in order to allow for a definition of MEPS based on an analysis of the life cycle costs.
Task 1: Data Collection
The consultant will collect the following data from refrigerator market participants, including manufacturers, importers, distributers, and retailers. This data should be collected through desk research, interviews and retailer visits. The data to be collected includes:
- The characterization of the products on the market and potential categorization
Then, with as much detail per category as possible:
- The size of the market;
- Stock
- Sales
- Percentage growth of demand in last three years;
- Current sales and expected sales for the coming three years;
- Total imports in the past 3 years, by country of origin;
- Total refrigerator manufacturing in Indonesia, including the companies manufacturing in Indonesia and their brands
- The technology trends over the past three years
- The expected technology trends on the Indonesian market, including for local manufacturers
- Data on the specific models available in the market, including:
- Brand
- Volume fresh food compartment(s) / volume frozen food compartment(s)
- Presence of an energy label (or any other declaration)
- Country of origin
- Declared information
- Electricity consumption
- Refrigerant gas and foam blowing agent
- Price
The consultant will also collect information concerning the end-of-life of refrigerators (reuse / recycling / disposal):
- consumer behavior
- local infrastructure
Task 2: Test Standard and Testing Capacity
Identify whether an SNI standard has been adopted. If not, clarify the status and whether the intention is to use IEC 62552:2015 to measure the efficiency of refrigerating appliances. If so, clarify whether the details of application of this standard have been decided. If not, facilitate discussions with National Standardization Association of Indonesia (BSN), EBTKE ESDM, and other major stakeholders including manufacturers and manufacturers associations, if any, and together with CLASP, support the development of test procedure and national standard.
Identify and provide assessment of existing test facilities in Indonesia both in private and public sectors and analyse the gaps including their strength and weakness and provide recommendations for addressing these gaps. Identify the nationally accredited test labs and the related standards followed for the accreditation.
Key Milestones and Deliverables
- Inception report, detailing the approach and methodology for the data collection market assessment.
- Interim report, detailing progress on the data collection involved in Task 1
- Excel spreadsheet, including the data collected in Task 1
- Comprehensive draft final report, encompassing both Tasks 1 and 2
- Final comprehensive report, responding to the comments provided by CLASP on the draft final report
The project is expected to commence in March 2019 and be concluded by July 2019.
Evaluation Procedure
A committee appointed by CLASP will evaluate proposals received from respondents. Selection of qualified companies or organizations will be based upon the following criteria:
- Technical Evaluation Factors
- Cost Evaluation Factors
All bids will be evaluated and ranked using Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS), with 80 percent of the score accorded to the technical proposal, and 20 percent to the financial proposal. The detailed evaluation criteria can be found in Annex A.
Interested parties must:
- Register as a CLASP Implementing Partner (click here to register).
- Complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire using the online form. Note: Organizations that have already completed the PQQ do not need to complete it again
Interested parties should submit separate technical and financial proposals as electronic files (preferably in PDF format). The file should be named as per the following example:
- [CONTRACTOR_NAME]_TechnicalProposal_RFP7-19
- [CONTRACTOR_NAME]_FinancialProposal_RFP7-19
The deadline for application is March 19, 2019. Proposals must be submitted via the form link above. Proposals must be submitted online via the CLASP website, filling out all the requested information and attaching both a technical and financial proposal.
The proposal length should not exceed 20 pages.
The technical proposal should include:
- Detailed approach and methodology for the design, implementation, and management of the study.
- Detailed timeline for all project activities, tasks, milestones, and deliverables for the project within the timeframe indicated above.
- Detailed work plan and methodology, considering the outcomes required.
- Background and experience of conducting similar activities.
- Identification of the team that will execute the project, including an organizational chart and accompanying brief description of key team members and their qualifications and relevant work experience.
- CVs and related summaries of experience and qualifications of proposed project team staff should be included in an Annex. (Annex is exempt from the 20 page limitation)
The financial proposal (in USD) should include:
- Detailed budget that includes all direct and indirect cost estimates for executing the project, including a breakdown (in days) of the level of effort and costs associated with each team member that will be engaged in the project.
All questions may be addressed to The last date for submission of questions related to this RFP is 15 March 2019. We request all inquiries be made by e-mail and not by phone.
1. Technical Approach (35 points): The technical approach described in the proposals will be evaluated on:
- The demonstrated understanding of the overall project context (15).
- The detailed work plan and approach clearly defining the target objectives and the strategy to achieve the objectives as outlined in the scope of work (20).
2. Management Structure and Staff Qualification (25 points): The proposed management structure and staff will be evaluated on:
- The professional qualifications and the extent to which the requisite expertise and experience of the key personnel will directly contribute to the completion of the tasks (25).
3. Past Performance and Corporate Experience (20 points): The experience and capacities of the contractor will be evaluated based on:
- The past performance, familiarity, and experience in understanding policies and program related to standards and labelling (10).
- Extent of local expertise including experience, qualifications, and track record in implementation of similar programs (10).
4. Cost Evaluation Factors (20 points): While the overall Technical Evaluation is the key factor in reviewing the proposal, the cost evaluation will be an essential factor in determining the final contract award and ability to remain in the competitive range and will be evaluated for feasibility, completeness, and practicality.