In-Country Consumer Awareness Campaign
Seeking Marketing Firms or Consultants for In-Country Consumer Awareness Campaign
CLASP is seeking a firm or qualified consultant(s) to support the scoping, development and execution of an in-country consumer awareness campaign focused on one or more selected high-performing, energy-efficient, off-grid appropriate productive use appliances (e.g. refrigerator, solar water pump). The campaign will take place in one or more select markets in one of the following priority countries: Kenya, Tanzania or India. Consultants or firms will provide in-country research, baseline surveying, marketing assistance and strategic guidance throughout the course of the campaign.
To express your interest in working as a CLASP consultant, please do the following:
- Register as a CLASP Consulting Partner (click here to register). Important Note: Do not complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). We will contact you if we need you to complete the PQQ. Following the Expression of Interest submission, you may also be requested to respond to a more detailed Request for Proposals for the same project.
- For consultants: Submit a single file named “Your Name: EOI 13-19” in English using the template provided (click here) with the following contents:
- Expression of interest (up to one page in length) including description of your relative strengths/experience in one or more of the countries/markets highlighted
- Curriculum Vitae of the proposed consultant(s)
- For firms: Submit a single file named “Firm Name: EOI 13-19” in English using the template provided (click here) with the following contents:
- Expression of interest (up to one page in length) including description of your relative strengths/experience in one or more of the countries/markets highlighted
- Organizational profile
Following the submission period, successful candidates will be shortlisted and may be hired to do either the final in-country consumer research only, or both the research and campaign planning and delivery, based on their expertise and the country selected. Shortlisted consultants with relevant expertise will be invited to submit full proposals for any of the phases listed within 2 weeks of the submission deadline, and will be given 2 weeks to complete the proposals, to ensure a project start by early December. If needed, there will be a further tender process for delivery, such as a request for proposals (RFP). Participation in this EOI will not jeopardize consultants or firms abilities to bid for the potential RFP.
All questions during the process may be addressed to Joanie Coker at Please submit your expression of interest to the same email by November 11, 2019 at 11:59PM EST. Incomplete Expressions of Interest will not be accepted.
About Efficiency for Access
Efficiency for Access is a global coalition promoting energy efficiency as a potent catalyst in clean energy access efforts. Efficiency for Access has grown from a year-long call to action and collaborative effort by Global LEAP and Sustainable Energy for All to a coalition of 15 donor organizations. Coalition programmes aim to scale up markets and reduce prices for super-efficient, off- and weak-grid appropriate products, support technological innovation, and improve sector coordination. Current Efficiency for Access Coalition members lead 12 programmes and initiatives spanning three continents, 44 countries, and 22 technologies.
Project Scope and Goals
Most consumer awareness raising efforts for off-grid appliances to date have focused on lighting and solar home systems, and low consumer awareness is a major obstacle for most manufacturers and distributors, as products designed without consumer feedback often do not satisfy consumer needs and expectations.
The project will build on existing Efficiency for Access communications activities with a first-of-its-kind, deep-dive in-market awareness raising campaign. We will focus our efforts on a specific market and expand audience engagement to include consumers, unlocking a new dimension of practice in the sector. In addition to stimulating consumer awareness in selected markets, this campaign also aims to increase demand for new and efficient productive use (or income-generating) appliances. The campaign will also help create and strengthen dedicated market aggregators, and place more trained staff and communicators among local partners and industry stakeholders to assist consumers, with the hope of enabling further sales.
While exact tasks and activities have not been defined, consultants or firms are invited to express interest in some or all of the projected activities below.
- Assisting with mapping the market(s) and stakeholder(s) in targeted regions with in-country research, outreach to local institutions and companies already active in the markets to determine which specific markets and technologies are most ripe for action, and where additional efforts would yield results in terms of scale and other indicators of market health
- Delivering final recommendation for country and market scope as well as product selection for approval
- Establishing and maintaining relationships with local partners, industry stakeholders, and international experts to inform the scoping, planning and delivery phases (e.g. messaging, cultural sensitivities, consumer preferences and willingness to pay, delivery methods)
- The potential to develop, launch, and deliver the campaign, recruiting participants as needed, either directly or working in tandem with a marketing agency
- Administering M&E throughout the campaign, at a minimum to include baseline and post-campaign surveying, either directly or with an established local partner with M&E expertise
- Providing content and direction for post-campaign results reporting
- Ensuring gender considerations and mainstreaming are embedded in the project scope and delivery
Scoping phase: December 2019 – January 2020
Planning phase: February – March 2020
Launch: March/April 2020
Potential Campaign delivery: April 2020 – January 2021
Final read out and recommendations: January – March 2021
Full campaign timeline: October 2019 – March 2021