Thailand’s Demand Side Management Initiative: A Practical Response to Global Warming


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This report is a chapter taken from the book Global Greenhouse Regime: Who Pays? This chapter focuses on the potential for reducing CO2 emissions in the power sector in Thailand. It also describes the crucial role that multilateral development banks can play in providing the financial, technical, and policy support necessary to seriously address the problem of growing CO2 emissions in rapidly industrializing countries.

Topics addressed include:

  • End-use energy efficiency policies
  • Costs and benefits of the DSM master plan
  • CO2 reductions from the DSM Plan
  • Why should other developing countries adopt DSM?
  • The role of the multilateral development banks

More information about the book can be found at the United Nations University Press.

Authors: Peter du Pont, Mark Cherniack, Michael Philips, and Somthawin Patanavanich

Publisher: United Nations University Press


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