Supporting a Network for Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards Programs in Developing Countries


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Much of the developed world has gained experience and success with product energy efficiency standards and labeling programs over the last 20 years, and some developing countries have followed suit. Yet, many developing countries still have little or no experience in the field. Recently, a number of those countries recognized the potential economic and environmental benefits of standards and labeling and have begun to plan or develop such programs.

This paper summarizes the history of standards and labeling programs internationally and notes the current status of such programs. The paper goes on to describe the creation of a network for sharing international experience on the implementation of energy efficiency standards and labels and accessing the financial, technical, and information resources that are available globally for policymakers. A list of countries that have expressed interest in developing and implementing standards and labeling programs is also provided.

This paper was presented at the 2nd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances and Lighting held in Naples, Italy (27-29 September 2000).

Authors: Mirka F. Della Cava, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stephen Wiel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Peter du Pont, IIEC, Asia
Sood R. Na Phuket, IIEC, Asia
Sachu Constantine, Alliance to Save Energy
James E. McMahon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


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