Roadmap for Harmonization of Energy Efficiency Standards in South Asia
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The South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/Energy) promotes mutually beneficial energy linkages among the nations of South Asia. SARI/Energy is sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The objectives of the technical assistance component of the SARI/Energy program are to:
- Assist the local standards institutions to understand the benefits from energy efficiency standards and labeling
- Communicate the role and benefits from energy efficiency standards in competitive markets
- Develop a mechanism and network for regional standards setting
- Evaluate the benefits from regional testing facilities and recognize regional testing bodies for labeling to support energy efficiency standards; and
- Establish a monitoring process to determine impacts
This report is the product of one of a series of meetings organized as part of the SARI/Energy project that focused on Harmonization of Energy Efficiency Labeling and Standards Programs. The meeting, held in Chennai, India on September 4-5, 2003, was the second gathering of regional stakeholders and policymakers for the express purpose of discussing harmonization. This meeting tried to build on the progress made in the first and focused on concrete action items to be developed and discussed by all participants. Development of recommendations for action was pursued within an atmosphere of open moderated discussion, rather than in seminar form.
This report summarizes the outcome of these discussions, and it is also meant as a resource document facilitating steps toward development of EES&L programs in the region. A general introduction provides background for the discussions on harmonization, and it provides an outline of the strategy taken in organizing the meeting. This material is similar to that presented in a companion report “Opportunities for Regional Harmonization of Appliance Labeling and Standards Programs,” although it is much abbreviated. In addition to general considerations of harmonization, it places the harmonization process in the specific context of the countries involved. Section Two presents the proceedings of the meeting. Section Three provides detailed technical information regarding one of the main issues discussed during the meeting, “ the comparison of Draft Refrigerator Test Procedures in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka.” This section is followed by a brief summary of recommendations. The final section is presented as a roadmap – it elaborates on the recommendations and considers immediate steps to be taken in the short term as well as the long-term goals.
Information from: USAID South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/Energy)