Light’s Labor’s Lost: Policies for Energy-efficient Lighting


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Light’s Labor’s Lost maps out the means by which lighting demand can be curbed at lower cost than continuing with current practices. It shows that were end-users to install only efficient lamps, ballasts and controls that will save money over the life cycle of the lighting service, global lighting electricity demand would drop substantially and be almost unchanged from 2005 levels by 2030. Following these measures would save more than 16,000 Mt of CO2 emissions over the same time frame – equivalent to about 6 years of current global car emissions – and would avoid US$2,600 billion in total expenditure on lighting through reduced energy and maintenance costs.

The book reviews the impact of lighting energy-efficiency policy actions to date and maps out the sets of measures which will needed if an energy-efficient lighting future is to be reached.

The comprehensive study is a component of the IEA’s response to the G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action (July 2005) which mandated the IEA to identify strategies and scenarios for a more sustainable energy future.

For more details on this book, please visit International Energy Agency website.

Information from: International Energy Agency (IEA)


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