Energy Labeling and Standards Programs Throughout the World


This report was prepared for Australia’s National Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Committee (NAEEEC), and was updated and released as Edition 2 in July 2004.

National energy labels and minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) are fast becoming commonplace throughout the world. This report provides a broad overview of current labeling and MEPS programs from over 50 countries. While not claiming to be an exhaustive list of this constantly expanding domain, the document summarizes a wide variety of programs located by the authors.

This report aims to enable the reader to understand the extent of the coverage and the different methods used in such programs. The report also acts as a guide to resources where the most up-to-date information can be found, along with references to more in-depth and detailed material.

The file is available for download here.

Authors: Lloyd Harrington, Energy Efficient StrategiesMelissa Damnics, EnergyConsult

Information from: the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program (E3), a collaborative initiative involving all jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand


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