Electrical Appliance Energy Labeling and Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Pacific Island Nations: Baseline Study


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This study was commissioned to gather information needed to make decisions on the establishment of a labeling program on a regional (or sub-regional) basis in the Pacific. The study was to provide an assessment of the most efficient way to develop a uniform labeling scheme and of the appropriate stringency of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for the selected appliances.

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Energy Division nominated three countries for direct participation in the study: Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Tonga. The authors visited those countries and held extensive discussions with representatives of government departments and agencies, the electricity utilities, and a wide range of appliance retailers and contractors.

In order to gather information on Forum members who are not participating directly in the study, the authors prepared a questionnaire for those countries and reviewed the ten Demand Side Management Potential Study reports prepared for the Forum Secretariat in 1995 by SRC International, and other documentation.

The results of those questionnaires, and some data requested from the countries visited, was still outstanding at the time of writing this draft report. Consequently the formal cost-benefit analysis is incomplete, and will be included in the final report. This draft report concentrates on the important issues of feasibility and practicality, which do not depend on minor variations in the projections of costs and benefits.

Authors: George Wilkenfeld and Associates and Energy Efficient Strategies


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