CLASP China Case Study


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CLASP has collaborated over the years with several Chinese institutions  to promote energy efficiency in China, enhance the capabilities of Chinese institutions that promote energy efficiency, and understand the dynamics of energy use in China. CLASP, with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) as its primary Implementing Partner, has helped China implement a robust energy efficiency standards and labeling program (S&L) that includes minimum standards, voluntary energy labeling, and a residential energy consumption survey. China’s S&L program has transformed several product markets, improved the nation’s economic efficiency, and accelerated the pace of China’s GHG mitigation.

While S&L fosters technology innovation by requiring product improvement and bringing consumer attention to enhanced efficiency, its most direct benefits in China in sustainable development terms are 1) having advanced both the capacity for and the reality of a sounder energy policy and 2) having dramatically increased China’s economic efficiency and reduced the growth in its GHG emissions.


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