Assessing the Market Transformation for Domestic Appliances Resulting from European Union Policies


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Since the launch of the PACE (1989) and SAVE (1992) programs a great effort has been made to transform the appliances market in the European Union (EU). Since the adoption of a framework Directive for the labeling of domestic appliances in 1992, the majority of domestic appliances have been labeled. Moreover in 1996 the first minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for refrigerators was adopted, entering into force in 1999. In addition starting in 1996 a number of voluntary agreements were concluded with manufacturers for TVs and VCRs, washing machines, dishwashers, electric storage, water heaters, and audio equipment. Since 1996 EU-wide sales data for appliances have been bought and analyzed to monitor the market transformation.

This paper presents the first comprehensive analysis of the market transformation resulting from the implementation of EU policies in this area, in particular labeling and mandatory or voluntary standards.

This study is taken from the proceedings of the 2001 Summer Study of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee), Panel 4: Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings.


Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission, Directorate General Energy and Transport 

Paul Waide, PW Consulting
Benoit Lebot, International Energy Agency


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