A Survey of Efficiency Levels Specified for Three-Phase Cage Induction Motors
The purpose of this study is to list the measures that are in place throughout the world and to make it easier to assess the options and feasibility of introducing a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for three-phase cage induction motors. The study was produced as a result of several of the APEC-ESIS project team receiving queries from more than one economy interested in considering the introduction of minimum efficiency requirements for cage induction motors.
The contents are believed correct at time of writing. However, it is possible that certain details have been overlooked, and APEC-ESIS cannot accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. Readers with particular knowledge of the measures in an economy are welcome to submit additional material for inclusion in future editions of this study.
This particular study on three-phase cage induction motors draws on material collected from the series of conferences on Energy Efficiency in Motors Driven Systems (EEMODS) organized by, among others, Dr Paolo Bertoldi and Professor Aníbal de Almeida, as well as from the standards listed by APEC-ESIS. The study lists the efficiency requirements set by various MEPS and then gives graphical comparisons between them, taking into account the three complicating factors of different supply frequencies, different test procedures and the difference between weighted average and absolute minimum requirements.
No attempt is made to evaluate the economic costs and benefits of introducing any particular MEPS for cage induction motors, although some notes are provided in Appendix A. Local circumstances will always need to be taken into consideration in such an exercise. However, it is probably fair to say that if a significant proportion of the global market adopts the same, stringent mandatory requirements, economies of scale will make that stringency level the most economic.
It is in the hope of assisting progress towards that situation that this survey is being produced.
Author: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Standards Information System (APEC ESIS)
Information from: APEC ESIS