S&L Guidebook – Korean version


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The Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP), with the efforts of Dr. Jun-Young Choi at the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL), recently published the Korean edition of the S&L Guidebook. Similar to the English edition, The Korean S&L Guidebook – Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment, and Lighting – offers comprehensive guidelines on designing, developing, implementing and maintaining an energy efficiency standards and labeling program. The table of contents of the Korean S&L Guidebook is available for download above.

For more information on the Korean S&L Guidebook, please contact:

Dr. Jun-Young Choi

Korea Testing Laboratory

Tel: +822 860 1551

Fax: +822 860 1559

Email: liya67@ktl.re.kr

Lead authors: Stephen Wiel and James E. McMahon


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