Sustainability Practices
CLASP is dedicated to reducing our institutional contribution to catastrophic climate change, air pollution, and stress to eco-systems, and to interacting with people and communities in sustainable ways that do the least harm.
We are committed to several sustainability practices in onsite operations and supply chains. CLASP codifies this approach through several initiatives that improve our environmental performance and reduce our environmental impact.
These initiatives include:
Air Travel
As an international organization, we engage local partners whenever possible in order to reduce our teams’ amount of air travel and the associated carbon emissions.
We track each team member’s air travel and either meet or exceed the corresponding amount in offsets.
Our partnerships are both an investment in local communities and in the environment. Still, air travel remains necessary to a number of our programs. Therefore, CLASP has committed to mitigating these carbon emissions by purchasing carbon offsets that contribute to climate-friendly projects around the world.
Mass Transit
CLASP encourages team members to use public transportation whenever possible.
CLASP pays 100% of team members' commuting costs.
We pay 100% of all team members’ commuting costs via mass transit to and from work. Additionally, we provide our Washington DC team with an annual membership to a bikeshare.
Daily Operations
We further promote sustainability in our day-to-day operations, offering flexible work options to our team members around the globe.
Telework days reduce carbon emissions from transportation and energy usage in the office.
CLASP is additionally committed to reducing the use of printers and overall print materials. We utilize soy ink and solar-powered printers to produce materials when necessary.
CLASP is continually measuring our environmental impacts and setting goals to reduce these impacts each year.
We train our team on these commitments and encourage them to participate and provide feedback. We are committed to promoting and growing these efforts within our organization and the business community through sound management and open dialogue with our stakeholders.